French SIF publishes handbooks, guides, studies, etc.

Written in French they are translated in English when there is an international use or demand.

Oct. 2024

First year report : Forced labour and child labour

In 2021, FIR has formed a coalition of ten of its investor members – Amiral Gestion, Amundi, AXA Investment Managers, Candriam, LBPAM, LFDE, Meeschaert AM, ODDO BHF AM, Ofi Invest AM, Sycomore AM – with over €3,300 billion in assets under management, to support the fight against forced labour and child labour worldwide.

10 companies with high stakes in the issue – Food, Automotive, Consumer Discretionary, Construction, Hotels, Industries and Utilities – have been selected to lead this commitment initiative.

The RHSF methodological grid, developed as part of its programme 8.7, was used and adapted to the needs of the exercise.

Sep. 2024

2024 Say on Climate report

On the occasion of the 2024 Say on Climate Report event organised on 16 September by the FIR and ADEME in collaboration with Ethos and the World Benchmarking Alliance, which participate in this year’s analyses, the FIR is publishing its complete Say on Climate 2024 Report. This report provides at first an overview of Say on Climate at global level, followed by a presentation of the work carried out for the first time in Europe, with 19 SoCs analysed.

Fév. 2024

Report – How does the CAC40 respond to investors ? season 2023

For the fourth year running, FIR is publishing the results of the written question campaign put to CAC 40 companies at their annual general meetings in 2023. The aim of this transparency exercise, which consists of asking 10 questions to each of the 40 companies concerned, is to communicate the major concerns of responsible investors to directors, shareholders and the general public.

This year, four significant changes have been included in the methodology: more precise questions subdivided into sub-sections, a more personalized approach, a qualitative analysis by external experts on certain questions, and finally the inclusion of the main controversies.


Nov. 2023

Overview of the French Impact Investment Market – 2023

At an event held on November 21, 2023 at France Invest office, datas on the French impact finance market were unveiled.

This market is defined according to three guiding principles: additionality, intentionality and measurability, is made of 66 players representing, as at December 31, 2022, €14.8 billion in assets under management across 153 investment vehicles. The scope will be extended to listed assets by 2024.

The complete publication

Mar. 2023

Report – How does the CAC40 respond to investors ?

This question campaign is based on the idea that investors have a role to play alongside other stakeholders (governments, civil society, citizens, companies) by directing financial flows and by exerting a positive influence on the economic actors they invest in. For the past three years, the FIR has conducted this written question campaign at the general meetings of CAC 40 companies. Note that questions evolve from one campaign edition to another.

It is essential to note that this exercise primarily assesses companies’ transparency on specific aspects of their social responsibility and does not prejudge the overall quality of their CSR policy.

Déc. 2022

Finance & Biodiversity – Understanding and acting – 2022

The work was launched in 2020 with a view to the important international deadlines. The French SIF and the Iceberg Data Lab has prepared this handbook, updated in 2022, with the aim of providing the public and professionals with an informative presentation of the state of knowledge and practices on this new topic, to help them understand the issues at sake.

A multi-stakeholder reading committee bringing together investors, civil society and researchers was set up to prepare this booklet.

Oct. 2021

Finance & Biodiversity – Understanding and acting – 2021

The work was launched in 2020 with a view to the important international deadlines. A multi-stakeholder reading committee bringing together investors, civil society and researchers was set up and the work resulted in the publication of the « Finance & Biodiversity – Understanding and acting » booklet.
This booklet, which is aimed at companies and investors as well as any stakeholder concerned, is an educational presentation of the state of knowledge and practices on this new theme.

Mar. 2021

Impact Investing – A demanding definition for listed and non-listed products

Impact is the new frontier in socially responsible investing. Whilst socially responsible investment focuses primarily on companies with the best environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, the time has come to construct funds capable of demonstrating their positive impact, and thus that fully meet their commitment to investors. With this joint guide, developed by comparing the practices of sophisticated professionals in the listed and unlisted segments, France Invest and the FIR hope to avoid succumbing to empty marketing rhetoric and impact washing. This booklet is the result of two years of common work between the two associations.

Oct. 2020

Integrating ESG-Climate Issues into asset allocation – Challenges and practices

The FIR focused on the « new frontier » of integrating ESG into asset allocation, a subject that has been little discussed and documented to date. To this end, the FIR has launched a working group co-piloted by Helena Charrier, Deputy Group Sustainability at the Caisse des Dépôts and Jean-Philippe Desmartin, Director of Responsible Investment at Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management. The booklet resulting from this work aims to explore the motivations, methodological issues and academic challenges related to ESG-climate integration. Finally, the booklet includes a series of concrete research avenues intended for the academic community.

Juin. 2020

Corporate tax practices: Moving from compliance to responsiblity – CAC 40 engagement report

For the responsible investment community, tax policy is an essential dimension of CSR. At present, however, taxation too often represents a blind spot for corporate social responsibility. At a time when companies are increasingly claiming their commitment to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals, the FIR sends a strong signal to issuers to engage them in a reflection on their practices in terms of fiscal responsibility. This campaign of dialogue and engagement has taken the form of a survey which results and analysis as well as seven recommendations are included in the study.

Jan. 2020

Supply chains and responsible investment – Improving risk management

This handbook is intended to raise awareness among asset management companies and institutional investors of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues related to the supply chain and to encourage them to adopt best practices to manage the related risks.

Sep. 2016

Article 173-VI : Understanding the French regulation on investor climate reporting

Translation in English of French SIF’s Handbook on this law article which will also have an impact on international investors. Understand this innovative regulation and start the road toward an ESG-Climate investment and reporting strategy.