Climate Resources Cartography

This cartography aims to provide information regarding Climate Finance Resources. It was developed within the framework of the FIR Strategic Allocation and ESG working group. Thanks to Vincent Bouchet (École Polytechnique and Caisse des Dépôts) for its implementation. If you would like to propose a new resource, please contact us.

Resources are organized around 6 types of resources :

  • Organizations
  • Databases
  • Models
  • Exogenous variable (from a company perspective)
  • Endogenous variable (from a company perspective)
  • Reports

These 6 types of resources provides information on 5 types of assets :

  • Equities and corporate bonds
  • Sovereign Bonds
  • Projects
  • Private Equity
  • Real Estate

How to use the Cartography ?

The Climate Resources GRAPH offers a global view of the relations between the different types of resources (the color of a node corresponds to a type of resource).

We recommand to visualize the graph on Firefox or Chrome. Just scroll-in and out to zoom and click on resource to obtain :


  • The relations types with other resources
  • A description of the resource
  • A link to the resource


You can click on Filter to choose which resources you want to display or Search a term in the GRAPH. Clicking on the Play button will reorganize the graph (don’t forget to click again on ‘break’ to stop the reorganization.

Climate resources are presented through :

  1. The Climate Resources GRAPH : a visualization tool that offers a global view of resources and the interactions between the different types of resources.
  2. A list of resources related to Endogenous data : variables over which the issuer (company or sovereign) can have a major influence. They can be based on a measure of past or current environmental/climate performance, or on prospective models (e.g. carbon emission reduction commitment). They can be « raw », expressed in current units or in the form of a score without units.
  3. A list of resources related to Exogenous data : they characterize variables over which the issuer (company or sovereign) has little or no influence. They are generally available at a national or more aggregated level and can come from historical (national GHG accounting) or prospective models (e.g. integrated economic models).


Resources related to endogenous data

Resources related to exogenous data

Formulaire de contact / Contact form

    Pour suggérer une ressource merci de remplir le formulaire / to suggest a resource please fill up the form below :

    Veuillez valider le reCAPTCHA avant l’envoi de votre message. / Please validate the reCAPTCHA before sending your message. (*)

    (*) Champs requis / Fields required

    Les informations que vous nous fournirez seront exclusivement utilisées afin d’entrer en contact avec vous.
    The information you provide us will be used exclusively to contact you.