This cartography aims to provide information regarding Climate Finance Resources. It was developed within the framework of the FIR Strategic Allocation and ESG working group. Thanks to Vincent Bouchet (École Polytechnique and Caisse des Dépôts) for its implementation. If you would like to propose a new resource, please contact us.
Climate Resources Cartography
Resources are organized around 6 types of resources :
- Organizations
- Databases
- Models
- Exogenous variable (from a company perspective)
- Endogenous variable (from a company perspective)
- Reports
These 6 types of resources provides information on 5 types of assets :
- Equities and corporate bonds
- Sovereign Bonds
- Projects
- Private Equity
- Real Estate
How to use the Cartography ?
The Climate Resources GRAPH offers a global view of the relations between the different types of resources (the color of a node corresponds to a type of resource).
We recommand to visualize the graph on Firefox or Chrome. Just scroll-in and out to zoom and click on resource to obtain :
- The relations types with other resources
- A description of the resource
- A link to the resource
You can click on Filter to choose which resources you want to display or Search a term in the GRAPH. Clicking on the Play button will reorganize the graph (don’t forget to click again on ‘break’ to stop the reorganization.
Climate resources are presented through :
- The Climate Resources GRAPH : a visualization tool that offers a global view of resources and the interactions between the different types of resources.
- A list of resources related to Endogenous data : variables over which the issuer (company or sovereign) can have a major influence. They can be based on a measure of past or current environmental/climate performance, or on prospective models (e.g. carbon emission reduction commitment). They can be « raw », expressed in current units or in the form of a score without units.
- A list of resources related to Exogenous data : they characterize variables over which the issuer (company or sovereign) has little or no influence. They are generally available at a national or more aggregated level and can come from historical (national GHG accounting) or prospective models (e.g. integrated economic models).
Resources related to endogenous data
- Asset-level data : geographical and technological details of companies’ assets
- Climate related CAPEX
- Climate risk scores
- Environment controverses : targets adopted by companies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
- Environmental scores
- Fossil Reserves & Power
- GHG Scope 1 : scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources.
- GHG Scope 2 : scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy
- GHG Scope 3 : scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions
- Reduction targets
- Revenue by activity : % of revenue by activity or type of energy (e.g. % of revenue from thermal coal activities)
- Bloomberg MAPS : cover physical risks and contains 200+ datasets
- CDP Climate survey : information on climate risks and low carbon opportunities from the world’s largest companies
- CDP GHG emissions : the data are input to the final dataset through a number of streams, including CDP responses, data collected from company filings, data sent directly to CDP’s Data Team, and estimates where no self-reported data were locatable.
- Equitics : analyses and opinions on listed companies and bond & money issuers
- Fitch ESG scores : an integrated scoring system which shows how environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors impact individual credit rating decisions over 900+ companies.
- FTSE ESG : measures a company’s exposure to, and management of, ESG issues in multiple dimensions – 4,100 companies (including FTSE All World Index and Russell 1000)
- FTSE Green revenues : measures the percentage of a company’s total revenue that comes from “Green” products – 14,700 companies (including FTSE Global All Cap Index and Russell 3000)
- GCEL : the Global Coal Exit List (GCEL) is a ‘Who is Who’ of the global coal value chain and provides key statistics on 775 companies.
- ISS carbon and climate : Environmental risk data and insights related to deforestation and water, 25 000+ listed companies
- MSCI ESG : ESG Ratings of 7,000 companies (13,000 issuers including subsidiaries)
- Science Based Targets : 534 companies are taking science-based climate action and 176 companies have approved science-based targets.
- Sovereign Sustainability Rating : scores and benchmarks of 180 sovereign states, based on the analysis of 172 risk and sustainability performance indicators.
- Transition Pathway Initiative : the TPI tool enables the assessment of companies’ carbon management quality and carbon performance, within a selected sector
- Trucost coal : percentage of revenues derived from coal-based activities
- Trucost FF&Power : 10-year time-series disclosure metrics across company representing 93% of global markets by market capitalization
- Trucost GHG emissions : 10-year time-series carbon emissions data across company operations and supply chains representing 93% of global markets by market capitalization.
- Vigeo energy scores : energy score reflecting the issuer’s ability to reduce its carbon footprint in the medium and long term
- Aware for Projects : an online tool that allows users to screen their investments for climate risk
- Climate value at risk : the premise of Climate VaR™ is to aggregate costs related to specific climate risks over the next 15 years and calculate what these costs might signify about financial performance into the foreseeable future
- CRIS : a method for measuring the physical risks of climate change for corporate, sovereign and infrastructure investment portfolios
- ISS Carbon Risk Rating : assesses the climate-related performance of companies, taking into account not only industry-specific challenges and risk profiles, but also considers companies positive impact
- Net Environmental Contribution : Measuring the degree of alignment of economic activities with the energy and ecological transition and with the objectives of limiting the global warming
- PACTA : online tool to analyze exposure to transition risks in equity and fixed income portfolios over multiple scenarios
- Physical risk scoring : Four Twenty Seven’s equity scoring methodology includes Operations Risk, Supply Chain Risk and Market Risk, accounting for differential vulnerability to climate hazards between industries, asset types and locations
- Real Estate Assessment : the methodology is consistent across different regions, investment vehicles and property types and aligns with international reporting frameworks, such as GRI and PRI
- SDA approach : Sectoral Decarbonization Approach is based on the 2°C scenario (2DS) developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Sustainalytics Carbon Risk Rating : single quantitative metric for low-carbon risk
- Changing colors . This paper seeks to explore the question of adaptive capacity of companies to financial risks that may arise in the context of the transition to a low-carbon economy
- Climate Change & Soveign Credit Risk. Infographics of climate risks for sovereign bonds
- Mind The Gap . This study updates a first report (2 Degrees of Separation), and quantifies risk of overinvestment under a 1.75ᵒC scenario
- Transition Risk Toolbox. The report references transition scenarios, data and models tailored for financial risk and scenario analysis by companies, equity and credit research analyst and financial institution
- Transition Risk-O-meter. The report references transition scenarios tailored for financial risk and scenario analysis by companies, equity and credit research analyst and financial institution /
Resources related to exogenous data
- Carbon price : carbon pricing is an instrument that captures the external costs of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
- Ecological Footprint : measures of how much area of biologically productive land and water an individual, population, or activity requires to produce all the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it generates, using prevailing technology and resource management practices (usually measured in global hectares)
- Electricity mix : electricity generation by fuel
- Energy sources prices : Prices for coal, oil, gas and electricity generation
- Final energy consumption : the sum of consumption by the different end-use sectors
- Fossil fuel production : production of crude oil and other products, coal production and natural gas .
- GHG Emissions : a gas that absorbs and emits thermal radiation, creating the ‘greenhouse effect’
- Mitigation cost : it can be the social cost of carbon, the private costs, the carbon price or a reduction in the gross domestic product (GDP)
- NDC : Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
- Temperatures : global surface temperature
- TPES : Total Primary Energy Supply
- Water Risk Physical : regulatory and reputational risk
- Aqueduct : measuring, mapping and understanding water risks around the globe.
- AR5 Scenario database : this scenarios database documents the long-term scenarios reviewed in the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of Working Group III of the IPCC. It comprises 31 models and 1180+ scenarios.
- CAKE : Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) aims to build a shared knowledge base for managing natural and built systems in the face of rapid climate change.
- Carbon Pricing Dashboard : 52 Carbon pricing initiatives around the world
- Climate Watch : Climate Watch is an open online platform designed to empower users with the climate data, visualizations and resources.
- Ecological Footprint : it measures of how much area of biologically productive land and water an individual, population, or activity requires to produce all the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it generates, using prevailing technology and resource management practices. The Ecological Footprint is measured in global hectares
- IEA World Energy Balances : The IEA’s World Energy Balances presents energy balances for 150+ energy producing and consuming countries.
- WEO database : energy demand and supply projections to 2040 under different scenarios
- GMM : the global multi-regional MARKAL (GMM) model is a technologically detailed model of the global energy system
- Global Calculator : the Global Calculator is a model of the world’s energy, land and food systems to 2050. It’s a free and interactive tool.
- World Energy Model : The WEM is the principal tool used to generate detailed sector-by-sector and region-by-region projections for the WEO scenarios
- Imaclim R : Dynamic integrated model, including 12 sectors and 12 regions
- REmap : IRENA’s REmap programme determines the potential for countries, regions and the world to scale up renewables
- REMIND : REMIND is a global multi-regional model incorporating the economy, the climate system and a detailed representation of the energy sector
- Emissions Gap Report : The annual UN Environment Emissions Gap Report presents an assessment of current national mitigation efforts and the ambitions countries have presented in their Nationally Determined Contributions, which form the foundation of the Paris Agreement
- IPCC reports : a series of reports intended to assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information concerning climate change, its potential effects, and options for adaptation
- Panorama of carbon prices : this panorama presents key trends regarding the implementation of explicit carbon pricing policies at the regional and national level in 2017
- World Energy Outlook : the IEA flagship publication World Energy Outlook (WEO) provides strategic insight on what today’s policy and investment decisions mean for long-term trends